Spring Succulents D.I.Y


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I am a little obsessed with succulent plants at the moment, it must be the spring air urging me to bring nature into my home. I just cant get enough of these juicy little plants and it seems everyone else is too, with succulent obsessed  boards popping up on pinterest.

So I set about making my own little succulent garden. I happened to be in Wilkinson when I spotted a whole shelf of succulents and got so excited that I might have had a few strange looks from security. I had to stop myself from buying them all.

What you will need:
Suitable pot
Gardening gloves and trowel - to make your life easier and cleaner.

This is what I bought to start my succulent family:

succulent start

I bought a deep salad bowl that would look great with the succulents, aquarium gravel for drainage and decoration and four different succulent plants. The trowel I already had and I already had soil from other gardening projects but an all purpose soil should work fine.

succulent 2

I picked four different succulent varieties to make the garden look more interesting. Its important to pick plants that are similar to each other and require the same environment, by sticking with succulents I knew that they would all be able to happily live in the same pot.


To start, add a level of gravel to the bottom of the bowl to allow for drainage, you can also add moss on top of this to help absorb excess water but I don't plan on over-watering the succulents.

succ soil

I then added the soil on top of this and then arranged the succulents roughly where I wanted them to by before adding more soil around each individual plant.


I then added the gravel again on top of the soil to make it look pretty. I had mixed gravel so I painstakingly picked out all the white quartz to arrange on the top. I then dropped the gravel on top of the soil and all the way up the stems of the plants and my garden was complete.


pretty 3 succulent pretty

It looks so cute on my coffee table right now. Let me know if you make a spring succulent garden too in the comments below. x

*Succulents are low maintenance plants but do require plenty of natural light and water - just don't leave them in direct light for too long or they can get scorched and give them a light watering.

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